Non-discrete piano roll
sine desk
An interactive sound experiment
chorus rollers telemetry
An instrument that converts the dancer's movements into an audio piece
Sula defrost
Development of an interactive video piece
Generative Kantele
Exploring mechanical sound to facilitate tuning explorations
Wave fields experiment
Non-realtime modular synthesis experimental interface
Tuning explorer
A harmony visualization tool inspired in a binary cracking technique
Universal tuner
A tool to delve into other tuning systems
Showerloop control
Hitodama soft robot valves board
Assisting a research project where robotics meet empathy.
Pasv 2 passive mixer
A flexible and portable tabletop mixer.
Giving new life to the website of this Master's program, of Aalto University, Finland.
Aalto Online Learning
Implementation of the website for Aalto University's Online Learning program.
Polimod + Calculeitor
A modular environment that lets you to improvise dance music from scratch.
Soft robot arms
Modular sequencer: First physical prototype
Ocaniemanights toy
Interactive music experience
Granular synth exercise
Tzina: Symphony of longing
ROS 3d wall project
A tool to author and present the research group's outputs in a mapped 3d environment