Sula defrost
Pictures by Kaisu Koivisto and Anna Nykyry
Participated in the development of this project, mostly assisting technically with the implementation of the artist's vision. Project realized with Marko Tandefelt for the artists Anna Nykyry and Kaisu Koivisto in collaboration with Helsingin Taiteilijaseura.
The interactive video piece was shown at Helsinki Oodi Library, the Wroclaw Biennale in Poland and finally at LUX Light Art festival in Helsinki.
defrost_sula_Oodissa.mp4 from Marko Tandefelt on Vimeo.
Työryhmä: kuvataiteilijat Kaisu Koivisto ja Anna Nykyri, luova teknologisti ja konseptisuunnittelija Marko Tandefelt sekä luova teknologisti Joaquin Aldunate. Sula-installaatio on osa Helsingin Taiteilijaseuran ja puolalaisen WRO Art Centerin kaksivuotista Synthesis-yhteistyöprojektia.
The working group: visual artists Kaisu Koivisto and Anna Nykyri, creative technologist and concept designer Marko Tandefelt and creative technologist Joaquin Aldunate. Def rost installation is part of the two-year collaboration project Synthesis by Helsinki Artists’ Association and Polish WRO Art Center.